Snowflake Eel and ???


My gf is going to buy me a 125 for Christmas. I have a 75g reef and a 55 that only has a SNE because the trigger ate the other fish and the eel ate the trigger. Anyways I am going to put him in my new 125 with I get it setup. What would be some good fish to put in with him. And when Im done moving him Im going to transform the 55 into another reef. I was thinking maybe a big lion, dogface puffer, and a tusk. Would that work?


SNE??? do you mean SnowFlake Eel (SFE)??
anyways, how big was the eel and the trigger when the eel ate the trigger??? what kind of trigger was it....
snowflakes are fine with triggers unless the SFE is very large and the trigger very small...
a volitan lion would be really good as well as a trigger (as long as it's not too small)...a puffer is probably ok, but i have heard of them being stung by lions(accidently) during feeding so keep that in mind...a tusk would also work...
oh, and i'm not suggesting you get all of these only that there shouldn't be any conflicts...just remember to add the more agressive fish last...


Yeah I know No triggs with puffs. I am thinking I might keep the eel in the tank he is in now and just add the other fish to the 125 when it is ready. The lfs is holding a red v. lion and a spotted dogfaced puffer for me. They are both 6-8" long and I am so excited.
i would try a big lion or a big trigger but i might get flames for this but don,t rule out triggers and puffers it works for some and not for others :rolleyes:


In my 125 I have a snowflake about16-18 in in there w/ a dogface about 6-7 in they are fine together.sometimes the eel will try to get a piece of food (krill) away from the other fish while they are eating it..the eel does not see well they go by smell,I believe thats why this happens,rarely though..also in the tank is a batfish (most aggresive 15 in high-8-10 in long) 2 coral cats a lunar wrasse and a yellow far as triggers and a big tank they should'nt be a problem,but I would take someones first hand experience for that
i hav a clowntrigger and a hum hum and a puffer and they all get along but again it works for me but not all so try it at your own risk :D