Snowflake eel compatible


I am setting up my 55 gallon tank. I am planning on putting in a snowflake eel, and the lfs said it would be fine in a 55 gallon tank w/a cowfish. I thought cowfish were not compatible.
I am planning on putting the following fish with it...
snowflake eel
green spotted puffer (brackish water but can live in saltwater)
Any suggestions or info on cowfish


thatll b fine i have mine with a valentini puffer and a clown and its doin great the eel doesnt even look at em and it has chase my clown but it usually last about 2 secs cuz the eel isnt fast and they arent very smart and u better be sure ur rocks are set right becuz they dig there homes and can not rocks over but not often


New Member
I was told that the small snowflake eel that I purchased would be compatible also and after about a week and a half two of my fish came up missing. My figure 8 puffer and my firefish. We returned the eel to the store where we got it. We wont be listening to them on compatability tips anymore. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Did you feed your eel alot? If the eel ate the puffer the eel would be dead.....
Q: is the water in California sw and if, are their sharks there?


<hr></blockquote>Q: is the water in California sw and if, are their sharks there? <hr></blockquote>
Do you mean the oceans if you do then yes. And there are definently sharks . San francisco has some big nasty ones farther south the pismo, san luis obispo area there are smaller sharks. I have caught several lemon shark while deep sea fishing (mean little buggers) not very good eating unless you really now how to cook them. Except for San Francisco you dont usaully have to worry about them while you're swimming and surfing
I hope that was what you were asking or I just wasted my time


Cowfish are great, very human responsive, very hardy, and get along with almost anything...but they have a dark side!
They can release an oxytoxin if severely stressed which can wipe out a whole tank. It literally poisons the water. DO NOT put a cowfish in with fin nipping fish, like triggers, or you'll have a problem. The eel will be fine as long as he's small, and you feed him well. Wait on the cowfish, see the behavior of your other creatures first, and make sure no one is real aggressive.
The green spotted puffer is a nice fish, but for a saltwater tank there are a ton more options with pufferfish. The green spotted will not grow very large, and as you indicated, its not his natural environment. The upside is that they're cheap :)
I'd go with a porcupine puffer, or a fiji blue spot. The porky especially you'll really enjoy.


But don't porcupine puffers get way too big. (saw one at the mall of america like 5 FEE^T LONG) Then again, the fish grow to the size of their environment/