Snowflake Eel?? Help Please


My snow flake isn't eating. and hasn't for almost a week now. He has this light blue spot on the end of his nose and looks to be labored breathing...
I've checked the levels all thru the weekend and I've prepared to make another water change. 2nd in a week.
Everyone else in the tank look to be ok. Actually doing really good. the LMB is eating flake. The Coral Banded has molted.. The two stars Linkia and brittle seem to be growing (the brittle is a monster... that thing is huge now)
On the first day my Ammonia looked to be a touch high... .25 or so... but I checked it Saturday and Sunday and all was well.
I've tried to feed him Krill and Shrimp.. which he normally is very aggressive towards eating it.
He is about 1.5 yrs old. and is about 7ins long and the diameter of a quarter or so... Until now no issues with eating...
Any ideas? Is this the end of him?


over the past 4 days... I started testing when he didn't eat and I saw the blue spot.
Ammonia went from .25 to 0
ates were .1 or lower now are 0
ites have stayed at 0
PH is around 8.2 I haven't checked it lately. I'll do so when i get home.
90 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump
3 900 Maxijet PHs
930gph return Aqua clear
about 110-120 lbs of LR CC bed


My chain isnt eating he hasint eatin in weeks, but my hermit shells are empty, think he's eating them? or could it be my puffer?


Will flakes eat hermits. I noticed some carnage but didn't know who was the culprit. I blamed it on a big blue leg I have..