snowflake eel help


I just got home and my snowflkae eel is upside down and blown up like a balloon....
this mornig about 5 hours ago, it was fine now it looks as if its going to explode
All the water parameters are within spec except for nitrate which is about 80, A little higher than it normanlly is...
other fish in the tank, A clown triggwer a huma trigger and a blue damsel are all fine, there is copper in the tank and has been in the tank for a few months now to take care of a ICH prolem I had. I have been slowly getting rid of the copper using carbon and water changes.
Any suggestions??????????


Staff member
Yes, remove the copper...eels have little tolerance for copper!
Anyway, why are you continueously dosing with copper? That is a bad idea for any fish.


The copper has been in the tank with the eel for atleast three months and the eel has been fine I only dosed the copper once but there is still some, not much just what has not been cleaned out by the carbon and the water changes.....


sounds like gas buildup,(usually a bad thing). Can be caused by bacteria, a twisted or impacted colon, or from trauma.
What have you been feeding this eel, when was the last time it ate, and was the food alive at some point?