Active Member
Hey guys, i have a quick question. I have a tank that is maybe a month old or so. It is 30 gallons and i have a coral beuty angel, a sleeper goby, a very small snowflake eel about 8 inches, and a clown fish that is super fat. The snowflake is pretty new to the tank, only a few days old but he has eated already. The only problem is, because he is more dormant than the other fish, mainly the clown fish eats most of the food before it can get to the bottom. I am feeding them very tiny frozen shrimp and the frozen marine quizine. Should i but some frozen krill or something more of size so that it will get the the bottom where he is perched? Also one more, i was told the snowflake's growth should be stunted so he will not get too big for the tank i have him in and he will remain healthy.. And that he will also not eat the other fish as long as he is well fed. This is why im worried, not only that he maybe end up eating my other fish, but that he will eat my fat little clown fish and they will both die.... yes, thats how fat he is.