Snowflake Eel not eating!


Hey guys/girls,
I've had my small SFE for a few months now by himself in a 29 gallon with probably 90-100 lbs of live rock. He has always been hungry at least once per day. I always stuffed him full of frozen krill or frozen silversides. Now he won't take either...
I've always used a chopstick to feed him, and I've pretty much put the food in his mouth but he just drops it to the ground.
I recently had to move, and rearranged the tank and did a little water change also. But, he was acting like this a few days before I moved so that can't be the whole problem. And what's even worse is that I'll be leaving to go out of town for 5 days. I put some live ghost shrimp in there hoping that he would eat, and it doesn't seem like he is interested in that either. It's been about 5-6 days since he last ate, and now maybe 5 more days! Do they like ghost shrimp?
Please share your experiences and opinions, and at the moment I don't have any water parameters.
Thanks a lot.


Active Member
I don't know how do solve your problem, but it will be fine for a few more days without food. It would take weeks before they starve to death.


Thats good to know, I just noticed he is roaming around after I turn the lights out...maybe he'll find the food after all :confused:


Active Member
I agree with jw's comments.
From time to time my eel will decide not to eat for 2-4 weeks. No apparent reason, he just stops eating. Then when he starts back up he'll eat like a pig the 1st couple of feedings. This behavior is normal for eels.


Active Member
Not to repeat what every else just said, but my 16-inch moray has gone even longer, he's been MONTHS without food for some reason. Now he eats almost daily again.
Check tank levels, and definitely check salinity. I have an eel in my other tank that is pretty sensitive to salinity changes concerning his eating, I haven't figured out why, maybe it's just coincidence.