Snowflake Eel not eating


New Member
I have a snowflake eel that has been in my tank for about 9 months.
Whenever I would re-hydrate shrimp it would always come to the top of the tank and eat aggresively out of my hand.
For the past week and a half he does not seem interested in food what so ever.
Any ideas???
Thanks in advance.


Staff member
Is shrimp all you are offering? Try target feeding him with some fresh seafood from the seafood counter at that grocery store. Use a turkey baster.


get some squid and clam, buy a feedstick and target feed him, and if this doesn't work then don't get to scared either. Eels can easily go for weeks without eating and keep in mind not to overfeed them either.. i feed my snowflake every 3-4 days and give him just enough to keep him happy and wanting more the next time around. good luck.


do u need to clip tent. or beak of squid before feeding?


New Member
All I have been feeding him for 9 months is shrimp. He does tend to overeat when I am feeding him. He will steal the food from other inverts I am trying to feed.
I'll try the fresh seafood. Thanks.
I have tried to target feed him but currently he is not interested in the food.
I have had a rash of snails dying lately and I know that he eats the remains, so maybe he's just full.
He's no longer aggressive towards other fish either. Currently he is sharing his house under the live rock with my Bar Gobie. They lay there cheek to cheek and watch what's going on in my office.
THanks again for all your help.


I feed my SFE frozen silversides - he eats 3/4 of one silverside every other day. My Lionfish did something similar to your eel - ate like a pig for weeks then just stopped and didn't eat anything for a few weeks. He acted hungry and investigated food in the tank but would then turn his head and swim away. I had added some rock to the tank and think the nitrates spiked some - so I did a water change and very soon he was back eating like a pig again. Good luck with you eel.