Snowflake eel owners...

i am new to eels but not saltwater, my lion and eel both went into the tank together last friday(week ago tommorrow) and the lionfish has eaten in front of me and i have delt with finicky eaters before but to my knowledge of eels i know they can go a while without eating ecspecially when new to a tank. he is 7-9 inches long gerth of a sharpy marker and looks and acts all good, here is my queastion, i have been putiing ghost feeder shrimp in with them every other day and since the lion swallows hole any shrimp parts i find would be because the eel got them? :thinking:
p.s. all parameters are good


Active Member
I'm just getting back into this hobby again but 10 years ago I had a 55 with a SF and a zebra moray. They ate their shrimp whole and I had to hand feed them. They actually let me know when they were hungry by coming way to the top when I walked by. They gulped it down whole. Could the lion be spitting some parts back out?
maybe i should let him go a few days to see that he hasnt ate and try to hand feed him, ive been trying to hand feed him with no success but he could have eaten some ghost shrimp the night before or when i wasnt around :notsure:


New Member
i've had my snowflake eel for a while now but when i first got him he was shy and would not eat anything. but a few days later he was really hungry and started to eat i use a feeding rod and frozen krill i tried to hand feed him but they are very blind and it got my finger insted. i would say give him a while to come around i doubt it will starve it self. mine starts to rome and look for food. try to watch him at night and see if he eat anything.


mine looks for dinner every night about 5-6... :happyfish
He eats every thing....silversides....squid.....krill....
I feed him off the feeding stick. :joy:


I had one about 10 years ago and I fed him about every two days. The problem was somethimes when I fed him he would not eat and eventually I lost my clowns and cleaner wrasse. Though I loved watching him, he had to go. And since then, I've stayed away from agreeesive fish.


New Member
Glad to hear he's eating. When I first introduced my snowflake I would put a piece of raw shrimp on a feedng stick and wave it in front of his hiding place and he would grab it. Now he comes out every time I go near the tank.
I had to be quick in the beginning because my Niger Trigger would try to get the shrimp before I could get it to the Eel, now, if the trigger does get it the eel will go and take it from him! They are quite the pair at feeding time. They've become a regular show for the neighborhood kids, which is exactly why I switched from a reef to a FOWL, and believe me, I cought tons of flack.
Good Luck,
update came home to find my completely (or so i thought) sealed tank had let loose my eel onto the floor, dried up and stiffer than Goldie Hawn after a coligen injection. dumped him back into the tank waitin to c if he revives