Snowflake eel question

darth tang

Active Member
A friend of mine got a snowflake about a month ago. He was changing the direction of his tank and knew my Panther Grouper just died and asked if I could take the eel. I said sure. The eel is only about 4-5 inches long........very small and juvenile. I acclimated him and put him in my tank. My problem is he went IN one of my rocks. I now can't find him at all and I am worried he may be stuck ing the rock. Do I have cause for concern? Since he is in the rock ( I am assuming since I haven't seen him anywhere else) do I wait till he comes out to try and feed him or wave food in front of the tint hole he went in?


I have one about 2.5' I have had for about 2 years.... he will hide all the time either underrocks or behind them.... but when he is hungry he will come out! His eyesight isn't the best though so sometimes I have to make sure the food is right under his nose.
Hope this helps


Totally Normal, I havent seen the full body of my young SFE since the day I put him in the tank, he found a nice piece of rock work and stays in it, untill he out grows the holes. I would say that 99.99% he is not stuck. What I did to get him to eat at frist was take some krill and squeeze it between my fingers in front of the rock to get some of the juices out. Then he would poke his head our from a lil hole and Just grab the krill right out of my hand. HE usually takes about 2 krill, 1 silverside and sometimes grabs at flake food floating by.
3 months later and I dont even have to hold food in front of his rock he just extends his body and catchs whatever is floating by. He still doesnt come fully out of his rock work though.


Darth Tang , I hope that you not got that little guy in with aggressive tank mates for when eels such as the sf is so small and so that they should be housed in a non-aggressive tank until they added much growth for their own security before being place into a mild aggressive tank.
For as well if this tank is already an aggressive tank, you will not find this sf for not only will it be deep into your tank rock work, the little guy will as well burrow to hide completely out of sight.
In a thread not in this forum, I explained a number of reasons why, if here in Aggressive Fish Forum that one has a question and if no others here can assist them in it that I can be found at under the name of Dragon Moray Eels and at least at that site, I will get an auto response that either a question was posted or other wise.


try putting some garlic on food Try putting it on a silverside and at night swish it around where you think eal is They like to come out at night with no lights Mine comes out all the time but i only have 4 pieces of rock and 2triggers in tank with him a titan and bursa trigger My snowflake is also 10 inches long and i can hand feed him but i have to keep an eye on my titan when my hands in the tank I plan on moveing my aggresive fish to a 125 because of titan trigger and i would like to put alot of lr in tank but the down side is i wont see my sfle as much Well lots of luck once it gets bigger it will come out more