Snowflake eel with inverts


I have my snowflake with a mated pair of CB shrimp alot of snails alot of scarlets and blue legs with no problems.I keep him well feed and he has no interest for the shrimp at all.


It kinda depends on the particular eel. 1 might eat any invert in the tank and the next one might not touch any at all. Trial and error with inverts and agressive fish. Sometimes expensive trial and error...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ol'salty
Trial and error with inverts and agressive fish. Sometimes expensive trial and error...
true to that

eel freak

shrimp is a bad idea at any size but with others it all depends on size. i reccomend an emerald crad :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by eel freak
shrimp is a bad idea at any size but with others it all depends on size. i reccomend an emerald crad :thinking:
Snowflake eels belong to a family of pebble toothed eels, who's main diet consists of crustacean flesh. The teeth are desinged to break/chew softer shelled crabs. An emerald is a bad idea, as are sally lighfoots, porcelains, and other such crabs. Actually, many SFE's leave shrimp alone, and take advantage of their cleaning services. Hermits are safe as are snails.

shark bait

Now that I saw this I have not seen my coral shrimp in a week, I will have to see if my snow flake eel got him. He hides alot so that my just be it but i'll know monday.