snowflake eel


New Member
i have a snowflake eel. i purchased the eel 3 days ago i have yet to see him water quality is fine and i have plenty of hidding places. he looks healthy but i dont even see him at night he just pops his head out of his cave i just need some ideas on how to get him to eat. and is his behavior normal. any info would be helpful


Active Member
as frustrating as this can be, this is normal. My snowflake eel, as well as most others (i know this because i too got worried and asked) have gone as long as 2 weeks without eating anything. They just do that sometimes. i will also go through periodes where i dont see mine for days, yet he pops back out perfectly heathry not long later. If you want to get him to eat, i recomend putting a crushed clove of galric in with the food you are feeding him, or even a product which is suposedly amazing called garlic extream. As for only seeing his head pop out of the cave... this is what they do. They will rarely move around at all from where they are. Mine gets in moods where he will be swimming around for a few mins, but this is mainly to change spots, and it rarely happens. He will also do it when he is realy hungary and gets jelous that i am feeding my valentini puffer and not him.


what are u feeding might want to hand feed these guys...they do very readily at least the ones i've came into contact with. sometimes you might have to initiate feeding with a live feeder fish that is small enough for them like feeder guppies...use tongs or tweasers to feed it to them. you just have to hold it there very still while the fish just wiggles there. near the eel of course