Snowflake Eel


I've always loved the snowflake eels but i have somewhat of a reef tank with my bubble tips and snails and shimp. I saw one at the local pet store and was surprised how small it was. Maybe 4-5 inches in length. I'm curious what some of the feed back is on keeping one in a reef tank if i was to keep her fed. (i've heard you can succesfully keep em if ya feed them well enough) Or will i have to worry about her eating off my inverts. Secondly, if i actually got one. . . What the heck would i feed her and how often>?


I purchased a snowflake eel when it was very small. They can grow quite quickly. Mine was probably about 5 inches in length when I brought it home. That was about a year and a half ago. It is now about 14-15 inches in length. Mine has not been a problem in my reef tank. Feeding might be a concern for you. The eel definately becomes aggressive during feeding. I feed pieces of shrimp and silversides. If you go with one be sure to feed the eel at the bottom of the tank. They are escape artists. If I were to do it again, I would probably go without, but hey, it has been really cool watching it grow.