snowflake eel


I have been thinking of purchasing a small snowflake eel for my 55 gallon reef tank. I just want to know if i'm gonna have any problems with him with the fish i currently have. I currently have a yellow tang, coral beauty, clownfish, and a lawnmower blenny. The only inverts i have are 1 emerald crab and a few snails. I also have some button polyps and a pulsating xenia. I also have about 80lbs of live rock. See any problems with me getting a snowflake eel? Know of any reputable online stores that sell good specimens?

mr . salty

Active Member
Your blenny will probably be the one that might be in trouble. They also like to dig,and dig,and dig. Make sure your rock will not come tumbling down and hurt another fish,or scratch the glass. They can also get pretty big,Maybe not the best choice for a 55.........STEVE


New Member
i wouldnt do it man.I had one in my 125 and had to take it back(not easy catching these guys it ruined my setup trying)very hardy eaters the bigger he got the more i had to feed.your little fish are in trouble but he will also go for larger fish cuz hes to blind to tell during the feeding frenzy.i actully saw him attack my emeralds on occasion but they fought valiantly and escaped with 1 or more items missing.i wouldnt do it again unless i had a tank withno deco and only large meat eaters.he will stress everyone out in yor tank. goodluck


What if i were to find a tank-raised snowflake eel (if it exists). And lets say this snowflake eel was trained to eat Formula cubes and other non-meaty foods(also not sure if that exists). Would i be ok with that kind of snowflake eel? These guys are really cool looking but obviously i'm not going to sacrifice my current livestock just so i can have one.


New Member
mine was tank raised and it did go after cubes and my fingers and anything it thought was digestable.i agree they are cool and very cool to watch eat but setup an additional for this guy with a trigger and/or lion. goodluck


Thanks guys. I'll give it some more thought since i've had both positive and negative feedback about these guys. I'd also like to thank Mr. Salty on his amazing positive feedback. "GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF MAN."

mr . salty

Active Member
Sometimes I just get a little GOOFY. Didnt mean anything by it. Hell, I thought it was funny at the time...........STEVE


New Member
no question it was funny mr. salty i think more people should lighten up and throw some shots from time to time. i would but i'm afraid i'll get flamed.