Snowflake eel ?


Ok I know a 30 gal is too small for one, but do you think I could put one in there and just have the one snowflake eel in there?


the eel would eventually be cramped, and the 30gal might not work for the life of the eel. I am sure there are bigger SF eels, but the longest I have encountered through talking to people is approximately 29 inches. and when you go 1 - 1.5 inches per gal it gets kinda iffy and cramped. Typically SFEs will hide under your rocks, but on occasion they will stretch out and swim around the tank.
If your are going to go through with it, I would have a pretty substantial clean up crew with nassarious (sp?) snails, different types of hermits, plenty of LR and a small protein skimmer. you will want to keep your water as clean as you can, because in that small of a tank with a messy eater like the eel you don't want your levels to sky rocket.


Active Member
I think it would be fine for a while if you got it small, but you would not be able to keep it for its entire life. Eventually, you would have to get rid of it. In this instance, you will find a great deal of debate whether it is really considered humane (for lack of a better term) to subject the eel to the stress of a new home twice.


Originally Posted by Prk543
, because in that small of a tank with a messy eater like the eel you don't want your levels to sky rocket.
I've heard alot of people say that they are messy eaters: do they mean lots of waste? I had a sfe and I fed it krill with a stick and it would swallow each piece whole?
My assumption has always been that it was because of the large amount of waste, but I thought I'd ask (you know what they say about assuming!).


me and my friend have kept a 2 ft snow flake eel in a 30 gal tank for 6yrs, i also added another eel and several damsels with no problem, so just one eel would be fine


Active Member
they r hardy no doubt. but i think what people r saying is , its not fair for an eel to live in such confined space.


Originally Posted by forsale
me and my friend have kept a 2 ft snow flake eel in a 30 gal tank for 6yrs, i also added another eel and several damsels with no problem, so just one eel would be fine
a 6 year old sfe shouldn't be 2ft.


Originally Posted by bkvreef
I've heard alot of people say that they are messy eaters: do they mean lots of waste? I had a sfe and I fed it krill with a stick and it would swallow each piece whole?
My assumption has always been that it was because of the large amount of waste, but I thought I'd ask (you know what they say about assuming!).
When an eel eats some larger foods, they tend to tear food apart, which causes it to move around the tank. When I would feed my SFE shrimp from the seafood counter, some times the pieces would would get torn up by the eel or the shells would fall off. Those pierces would end up getting left for my clean up crew.
I have found that they can also leave a good bit of waste as well.
I am sure that the majority of people have had similar experiences.


Originally Posted by Prk543
When an eel eats some larger foods, they tend to tear food apart, which causes it to move around the tank. When I would feed my SFE shrimp from the seafood counter, some times the pieces would would get torn up by the eel or the shells would fall off. Those pierces would end up getting left for my clean up crew.
I have found that they can also leave a good bit of waste as well.
I am sure that the majority of people have had similar experiences.
Thanks for the input!