Snowflake eel


Active Member
Hi, i have a 55 gallon aquarium with 2 clownfish and a blue hippo tang, i wanted to add a snowflake eel eventually but i do not know much about them
any advice would be great

crypt keeper

Active Member
They are great eels. Do it. Dont be upset when It doesnt eat for like two weeks. They do this. I would get a larger one. In the 10 inch range.


Active Member
thanks, i really want one, are they hardy, and what/how do you feed them. I heard you put some food at the end of some pincer and give it to him
thank you

crypt keeper

Active Member
Mine ate freeze dried krill enriched with vitamins. It was hard to wean him off it. Then I started with pieces of shrimp, octopus, and silversides soaked in garlic and vitamin supplements.
They are very pretty and hardy eels. Will for the most part leave fish alone. Feed every 3 days.

crypt keeper

Active Member
That is why I said get a smaller one. How big are your clowns? SFE arent really That aggressive towards fish but it is an eel. There is a chance.


New Member
As far as how you feed it...I hand feed my SFE atm but i make sure that my green wolf has had more than his share because i like my fingers attached. My SFE wouldn't touch the brine or krill i was offering him (wouldn't even come out of his cave most of the time) but when i would wave a silverside close for the Green Wolf he would get real friendly, leave the cave and suck the silverside back inside with him. He still doesn't finish a whole one so i cut them up in half and he eats them pretty well. So based on what i've read i would try any number feeding techniques and see what your guy likes. I also bought mine as a baby which contributed to the hand feeding, along with his flat teeth.


While there are no guarantees on your eel behaving make sure you have a big enough tank for an eel that can grow up to 3 feet, have your rock work stable so that it doesn't knock it over and crush itself/others, and note that it can and probably eventually will eat crustaceans. Aside from that enjoy an awesome animal! Good luck


Active Member
I bought a 15" SFE from SWF about 2 months ago. He ate like a pig from the start. Coolest fish I've had. I have him in the 55g QT tank, but am going to move him into the 125g reef tank soon. I just know that he's going to eat the peppermint shrimp I have in there for aiptasia control.