Snowflake eel


I am thinking about a snowflake eel once my tank is done cycling..i would like to have a banded cat shark,snowflake eel,blue spotted stingray, and maybe a tang or lionfish anyone know if this setup will work?


To do all that you are looking to do you are going to need a bigger tank. Granted the set up would work in the right size tank. Also you are going to need alot of bare ground for the stingray also. You are also going to need hiding places for the other fish and the shark. My banded cat shark loved to have hiding places when he was scared or just did not want to be bothered.


Active Member
I wouldn't put a shark in a 155. Rays also need imo, at least a 250g. Snowflake eels are super hardy and great additions to any predator tank. A lionfish would also do well in there. You have many choices of fish, but no sharks or rays in there. Bo


Active Member
The absolute minimum I'd do would be 180, but I'm no shark expert. Risc will be able to give a better answer to this. Bo