Snowflake in Reef?


I have a 72g Bowfront and my sixlined and 1 green chromis just died to the elsive powerhead :D. Now I have 1 sailfin tang and 5 green chromis left over. I was wondering if a Snowflake Eel would be fine. I had one before and sadly he climbed out the one time i forgot to leave the cover down :(. I'm slowly turning it into a reef tank. I also heard the Cleaner shrimp mostly clean groupers and Eel. Would lets say 3 or 4 peppermint and 1 scarlett cleaner be fine? thanks
Any shrimp with a snowflake is at risk. Though I have seen a few people on here that have cleaner shrimp with there large eels and they have never had a problem. If you keep the eel well fed, you can lessen the chance of him taking one of his tank mates. But it can still be a bit of a gamble.
Alright, well I'll try it out, even though I'll mostly be feeding him Jumbo fried krill. I made this thread at a friends house with his name


i think it depends on the eel. i have a 14 inch snowflake with corals and damsel and other fish and a cleaner and 3 peppermint and an arrow crab and has been like that in a 75 gall for 1.1 years


Active Member

Originally posted by PhoenixOfThePyre
I'll mostly be feeding him Jumbo fried krill.

Jumbo fried
krill? It is my understanding that cooking the food that you feed your eel will remove valuable nutrients. And the grease/oil used to fry anything can't be good for a tank...


mine absolutely loves squid out of all and ive seen that alot of pp on here have them and they like squid the best also, u also need to every once in a while if possible throw some curve balls in for nutrition, mine for food will eat about nething but i dont think mine can see very well so i hand feed then hell even come up and swim through my fingers sometimes buut neways most are very hardy mine even eats ham (whenever there is food and time shortage)
But how would one do in a Reef tank with 5 green chromis and 1 sailfin tang. I've heard some people keep them with cleaners and they do fine. What are some suggestions. I'm going to get him small if I do.
I'm going to get a small Snowflake when i get some base rock, and a little bit of LR in there. I'll already have 4 peppermint shrimp and 1 scarlett cleaner. Would there be any good fish recommendations? I love the snowflake and will have him put in any tank if he would do fine.