Snowflake, Jewel Moray or Mexican Dragon Eel ??? need an ID


well i have what i was told by my lfs (about 2 1/2 years ago) is a snowflake eel. today while reading a post on the board unterhit=yes
there was a pic that looked exactly like my eel only it was labled a "Mexican Dragon Eel". Then i searched the scientific name given with the pic and fould the same pic on a competetors site labeled as a "Jeweled Moray Eel"???
So can anyone tell me which one I have??
It really does look just like the pic i saw today.
[ October 12, 2001: Message edited by: justchillin ]


Active Member
justchillin, Here is a pic of the Jewel Moray

Here is a pic of the Mexican Dragon, sorry I couldn't find a better pic.

And finally here is a pic of the snowflake eel. Out of the three these guys are the cheapest, from 20-45.00

Hope this helps you out some..Lisa
[ October 16, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]


thanks blue...i have been told that mexican dragons eels are just another name for jeweled morays and if you look carefully at the first two pics you posted they seem to be the same species which follows what i've been told...
so at least now i know what kind of eel i i just need to learn more about the commercial site i visited said that they can reach 5' in length and need a 200gal+ tank...if this i true than i will definatly need to upgrade (although judging by his growth in the last 2 years i should have plenty of time to save up before that becomes necessary-i hope!)...
so if anyone has any info to give me on jeweled/mexican dragon eels i would really appreciate it...
thanks again,


That is the same eel that I have seen called eith a white lip or white mouth I cant remember.
white mouths are different then jeweleds but jeweleds and mexican dragons are indeed the same