Snowflake Moray Eel


New Member
Hi all. I have a 135 gal reef and fish tank which is 2 1/2 years old. Have had a snowflake moray eel for over 2 years. He used to eat about half a medium shrimp on a stick every other day. Eight months ago, he stopped eating for a month then went back to his feeding schedule.
My water parameters have not changed any.
He stopped eating again about 2 months ago. All the fish are present and accounted for so I know he hasn't snacked on them. He looks ok otherwise and does not seem thin.
I would appreciate any help. My wife is very fond of him and would hate to lose him.
Thanks a lot.


New Member
jw - thanks for the quick reply. I really appreciate it.
I have tried krill shrimp but he displays no interest.
He is moving around ok and color/body size appear ok. His breathing appears heavier than usual but this has been the same for the past several months.
Water parameters are:
pH = 1.023
No ammonia or nitrites
Nitrate about 10-20
Phosphate less than 0.01
Calcium 400
Redox 350-400
Temp ranges from 82-84 F - no change over the past 2 and a half years
I will try some squid tonite.
There are 3 nautilus crabs in the tank and he has not bothered them.


New Member
Re: water parameters.
I meant:
pH = 8.25
Specific Grav = 1.023
Wasn't able to get any squid. Tried scallops but no luck.
Would appreciate any help.


New Member
Thank you very much for the advice and encouragement. I will try the crab/squid tonite. I have tried the water change route (45 gal of the 135 with aerated salt water).
No stomach bulges that I can detect.
Thanks again. Will wait 3-4 days to feed and update the thread thereafter.