Snowflake moray


Can anybody tell me how long a one would last? I have one that I got 11 years ago.He was about 5" then now he is about 24".Just wondering because someone told me they don't last past 10 years.


Guess nobody has had one this long.This was my first post here and I thought I,d ask.I was wandering how old he might get?


Active Member
Well if it all posiable would share a little about what you've done???I just ordered one along with some other fish to set up my predator tank.They will be hear wensday and I'm eager to learn more about them.Any advice would be appreciated.


I've had a 55gal tank for 15 years and had the moray for 11.He is the easiest fish I had.He will come out looking for a meal when you walk up to the tank and then take a piece of sqiuid,shrimp or clam from me.The only problem I had with him is he would eat other fish so I only kept him with inexpensive fish.A coulple of fish that have seemed to last are the Yellow Tang and a small puffer.He likes to eat clowns,damsels,hawks and wrasses.He is in a fish only tank with crushed coral and dead coral for someplace to hid , also have a piece of PVC pipe that he lives in.Its a pretty inexpensive setup compaired to the tanks Iv'e seen on this site.