Snowflake moray


I was wondering if i could put a small snowflake moray in my tank (29) gallons, if it grows to big i will be upgrading to a bigger tank. My 29 gallon includes 1 ocellaris, 1 three spot damselfish, 1 yellowtail blue, 1 niger trigger, coral beauty with some snails and hermits... Would the moray do good with these fishes. Im willing to do extra work to keep this moray for sometime in that tank


maybe but only if you plan on upgrading soon as the sfe grows very fast and they also put off alot of waste so you will be risking overloading you system


Originally Posted by Cartman101
should be fine as long as you upgrade

I disagree... I'm sure your tank has been set up for 2 years. I do doubt that you've had all 5 of those fish for 2 years, especially the niger trigger.
A tank's bio-load depends on the filtration that you have so adding another fish may be ok if your filtration is excellent.
Sorry if this opinion is not what you want to hear, but I don't think adding another aggressive fish will work for you. Just my opinion.