pr of clowns - 2" each
6 line wrasse - 3"
coral beauty - 4"
royal gramma - 4"
diamond goby - 5"
kole tang - 4"
cc strfsh
cleaner shrimp
30 snails
15 hermits
of course , LFS says i can keep going - that my tank can handle 12-15 fish
i'd like to add one or two more - can i ? , if so - any recommendations ?
if not , i am (mostly)happy anyway
6 line wrasse - 3"
coral beauty - 4"
royal gramma - 4"
diamond goby - 5"
kole tang - 4"
cc strfsh
cleaner shrimp
30 snails
15 hermits
of course , LFS says i can keep going - that my tank can handle 12-15 fish
i'd like to add one or two more - can i ? , if so - any recommendations ?
if not , i am (mostly)happy anyway