So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help


So I finally achieved a salinity level of 1.009 to attempt my first encounter with ich. When doing this everything was going great. Fish were eating and swimming perfectly. Then all of the sudden my Flame Angel Died. And I noticed the Blue Tang breathing fast. My blue tang had ich. My Clowns ar doing fine though. What did I do wrong every thing seemed fine. Is this usual. Not to lose a fish but the breathing heavy part. Should I remove my tang???


Originally Posted by joker3762
So I finally achieved a salinity level of 1.009 to attempt my first encounter with ich. When doing this everything was going great. Fish were eating and swimming perfectly. Then all of the sudden my Flame Angel Died. And I noticed the Blue Tang breathing fast. My blue tang had ich. My Clowns ar doing fine though. What did I do wrong every thing seemed fine. Is this usual. Not to lose a fish but the breathing heavy part. Should I remove my tang???
How did you bring the salinity down and what are you using to measure it?


Originally Posted by joker3762
Adding water like in beths post. Followed it to a T
Have you checked your ph? Any fluctuations at all recently?


Originally Posted by joker3762
just checked all levels everything is normal no issues PH is perfect
Sorry, what I ment was when you did your water changes to bring the sg down did the ph fluctuate? It usually does because the salt mix has the buffer in it. When you add freshwater you have to buffer it first or the ph will fluctuate quite a bit and shock the fish.


I never tested the Ph when i added freshwater. I didnt realize I needed to buffer the water first. How do I do this??? I always notices a blur when adding fresh water but figured the fish would swim to a different area until the tank mixed it in?????? Should my Tang be breathing heavy


The blur is the freshwater mixing with the saltwater. That is normal. Were you using RO water? How long ago did you get it to 1.009?


Originally Posted by joker3762
Yes to RO water and I arrived there at noon today?
Ok, RO water has a low ph. You shocked your fish when you added the plain RO because the low ph was mixing with the high ph. There isn't much that can be done about it now. Your ph is back up where it should be. Keep the lights off on the tank and let your tang calm himself down. He should be alright as long as there are no more fluctuations. Do you have a kh kit? This measures your waters buffering capacity. Keep a close eye on the ph so it does't dip down (this is very common durring hypo).


Sepulatian, All of your help is excellent. While I was turning off my lights I noticed the tang had 3 large light blue circles by his belly area. Should I be concerned about this???


Originally Posted by joker3762
I dont have a kh kit, I will get one. But how do I Buffer the water for future water chages?
Pick up a product called Proper Ph 8.2 it locks it in where it should be.


Originally Posted by joker3762
Sepulatian, All of your help is excellent. While I was turning off my lights I noticed the tang had 3 large light blue circles by his belly area. Should I be concerned about this???
Are they redish at all? If they are just light blue it is probably just from the stress. Keep an eye on it.


Originally Posted by joker3762
spots are not red, i will keep an eye on them. proper ph 8.2 mixed with fresh water will buffer the water?
Yes. The proper ph is for fresh or salt and buffers it to 8.2.


Originally Posted by joker3762
you are an excellent source of info. thanks again i will keep you posted on the tang.
Your welcome. I hope he does well!!! Any other questions you have feel free to ask


My Blue tang just died

Those spots i was referring to at the end covered the whole underside of his body, It was a light blue color and was only on the bottom. Could he have died from ich and could my flame angel have died due to ich.
Let me know what you think