So i got a free pair of clowns and rose anemone


hey all, i received a phone call from ny neighbor the other day his sump sprung a leak so he flipped and tore his whole tank down "it was plumbed in entirely through his house" and threw ALL his fish/crabs/snails everything in a tupperware bowl with a lid on it. for 8 hours!!!!!!! i left work early to go see what i could save everything looked dead when i opened the was SOOO mean what he did it pissed me way off. i brought them home and just put them right in my tank, the pair of clowns lived "i beleive they are true percula" the huge rose anemone,pajama cardinal,snails,crabs,etc. all lived!! i only lost a lobster:( it was dead as can be..2 starfish that were in there lived also! i couldnt believe it. but i got it all for free and saved them all
also, any help with the anemone or tips would be great, i have had LOTS of difficult fish but one thing i have not ever purchased is an anemone..the clowns host it " as long as my tomato clown leaves them alone, im catching her today and giving her to someone else" but if there is any advice it is the best looking anemone i have ever seen, all help is appreciated.thanks


Active Member
If you could post more specific information about your tank it would be a lot eaisier to give you advice on caring for your anemone. Thats if any is needed, you might have everything you need. Water perameters? Is this a reef tank or FO, FOWLR? Whats your salinity, pH, nitrates, nitrites, temp and alk? What size is your tank specifically the height of it, what type of lighting? Bulb type and wattage? good luck


im running a 90 right now with 265 watt power compacts, its in my reef tank, the anemone is doing great, and so are all of the fish i just want some pointers/advice on taking care of it..i will probably be switching tanks here within a few days to a 220 w/ 3x400 watt metal halides..but as of now its alright..i know the compacts wont do it very long, but the guys sump sprung a leak so i came to the rescue. and now that he tore it all down im taking it and fixing it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drex
im running a 90 right now with 265 watt power compacts, its in my reef tank, the anemone is doing great, and so are all of the fish i just want some pointers/advice on taking care of it..i will probably be switching tanks here within a few days to a 220 w/ 3x400 watt metal halides..but as of now its alright..i know the compacts wont do it very long, but the guys sump sprung a leak so i came to the rescue. and now that he tore it all down im taking it and fixing it.
Nope nothing more to do, let it be and observe. Other than a stable environment, clean water, and sufficient lighting there is little to do with an already healthy specimen. although your lighting isnt sufficient for the time it will spend in your tank your ok. Good Luck.


alright thanks for the help, everything is testing out good but im going to pick up his tank and what not tonight..then i will figure out how im going to do the swap over. thanks again. hopefully a few days wont do any damage before i get the new tank setup with metal halides for the anemone.


Are you using the water from your 90 to put in the 220 or are you starting the 220 new? Did you save some of your neighbors water from his setup? Anemones don't do well in a new setup. The tank should be up and running at least 6 months before an anemone can be added. hth


i am planning on swapping all of my water and live sand/live rock into the 220 if that will work anyways. otherwise ill have to let it sit and cycle longer.


I think I read somewhere on this site if you start disturbing the lr and ls from tank to tank you will start a cycle over and may get an ammonia spike.You might yanna post another thread somewhere on the boards to see if this is gonna happen. Ammonia is definitely not good for your anemone.
Good luck and HTH


well i ended up just selling the 220 gallon and keeping my 90 gallon, just put 2x400 watt metal halides on it with 2 vho super actinics...hes doing great.