so, if it ain't phosphates causing hair algae...


does that leave the light bulbs as the only other possible cause or are there other sources? I need to have my lfs double check my water because my testkit shows 0 for phosphates, but it (the hair algae) keeps growing. I've got a skimmer running and using rowaphos so really don't expect that I'll have high phosphates but who knows?
I've got 2 65 watt pc's in my 55 that are about 9 - 10 months old now; however, I've had a hair algae problem going on for at least four months now so if it's the lights, they sure didn't last very long.
By the way, I've only got two small fish in the tank and feed them a small amount of food about 2 - 3 times a week max so I'm not overfeeding by any means. I also use RO water from the lfs and do monthly 20% water changes.
Any other thoughts?


Well-Known Member
greebs. Is the hair algae brown or green. If green it is not phosphates but nitrates feeding the algae. Do you have other plant life in the system? 1 way to get rid of hair is to simply temporaily, and drastically reduce lighting. Like turn off the lights for a couple of days. Coral and desirable plant life (macros or marine plants) will survive fine but the fast growing (and fast dieing) hair algae will be reduced or eliminated. If you just turn the lights back on as before and especially if yo do not have other plant life in the tank, the hair will just return. If you add plant life or redicelighting if you already have plant life, then the hair could be gome permanetly.