So I'm growing SPS's under pc's....


Active Member
I have only one tank devoted to SPS's. It is a 10 gallon. I have a 96 watt pc over it. I have a few different Acro's, Hydnophorias, and Montiporas growing quite fast. My question is do you think I need MH's for my 29 to switch these over, or are they gonna be fine in the 10 gallon w/ 96 watts? They are all showing significant growth in the past 4 months. I have already ordered the lights, but I am not crazy about having ANOTHER heat source in the room w/ the other tanks, the strip-lights all over the place, then the oven and fridge. And the sun coming through the windows in the afternoon. I laready have to keep my whole place at like 60 degrees to keep that area comfortable, so additional heat is an issue. And no, I do not feel like moving tanks around to solve this issue. Thanx for your $.02!!


Active Member
ill second that. i am also growing sps under pcs. your acros will be dramatically better under halides. if you want sps under pcs try seriatopora and montipora capricornus. monti digitata does well too but as kip said if you want the color get the halides.


Active Member
I do agree with the other posts, but I will say this, You are growing some corals that are lower light. Monti's and hydno's. When you get into true acro's you will defenently be needing MH.


Active Member
Yeah. that's what I thought. Thanx for the replies! I was gonna go w/ the halides anywayz, cuz it took me this long to order em, so damit, I'm gonna use em and like em!! I'll probably need to find some way to keep the kitchen area cooler. Any ideas for that???:notsure: