So, should I get a crab?


So I've been thinking getting a crab might be a nice new addition to my reef. Haven't really decided on the type, probably an emerald or sally lightfoot. I just want something that's going to assist my clean up crew. Only thing holding me back is the memory of my horrible freshwater crab... It essentially ate most of my freshwater fish and that little sucker was an escape artist. I can't count how many times he made it out of my tank and onto my dresser top. I really don't want to deal with that again. How are marine crabs compared to this? I have some smaller fish in my tank and I'd be ticked off if they became lunch lol. thanks in advance!


Marine crabs can be a gamble, the majority aren't reef safe. I'd say go for sally light foots or emeralds. My old decorator liked to destroy everything that came in his path, while the bigger decorator i had was mellowed out. So it might just bbe the personality of the crab if youw ant to call it that. Try some hermits too.


I'd go with a porcelain or pom pom over the sally lightfoot which can be quite aggressive when they get large.


New Member
i too was wondering about crabs....i have a snowflake eel....i have hermit crabs but id like some interesting looking ones...ive been told with some fish and my eel i cant have those kind of crabs...i recently also got a brittle star. Is it true i cant have any crabs but hermit, if not...what type do you recommend????