so the guy at the local pet store


told me that 2 stripeless, or "

" false percula clowns will do fine in my 8g. Idk. What do you all think?


Active Member
i think they will..they are the smallest of clownfish, but you have to keep up on your waterchanges, para, etc
I have one clown in my 8. I dont think I would add another with her. jmo. Maybe another small goby, but not another clown


I would say only one "small" clown, Once he/she gets bigger then say 3 inches then I'd move them to bigger digs. Just my opinion. Good luck.
Originally Posted by ZShain012
yea but the stripeless ones don't get as big so idk.

they would get just as big as a normal clown if given the proper tank, it might just take longer.
any fish will stay small if you put them in a small tank, but that doesnt mean its the best thing for them. I'd still only go with one clown if you have to have one...


Active Member
If you're diligent on your water changes, I think you are okay with 2 ocels in an 8.
They aren't big swimmers, and they won't get that large.
BTW, is the LFIdiot trying to insinuate that the lack of stripes make the fish smaller?
I thought wearing stripes just made you 'look' slimmer.
do what you want, but the lfs is always out to make a buck. We are just trying to save you the loss of one or both of your clowns.
on the other hand, it may work, but I wouldnt chance it... you better do regular water changes, and test your levels pretty often. An 8 can go down hill fast


Originally Posted by gmann1139
If you're diligent on your water changes, I think you are okay with 2 ocels in an 8.
They aren't big swimmers, and they won't get that large.
BTW, is the LFIdiot trying to insinuate that the lack of stripes make the fish smaller?
I thought wearing stripes just made you 'look' slimmer.

yea they are supposed too