So whats the deal...


with white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei)? I hear that your supposed to use them to entice new lionfish to eat and other thing, but do youjust add them to your tank like any other crustacean, then when your looking low, buy some more? Or do you keep them in a seperate tank and feed with tweeser-like utencils? (I find the latter EXTREMELY unlikely).


with some fish, it is necessary to spot feed them, for they will not eat otherwise. When buying them, float them in the bag and see if the fish eating them is enticed (you'll know if he is, it will try and eat them through the bag), if so, when released from the bag, he will hunt, kill, and eat the specimen. If not, holding the shrimp in front of the fish will get him to realize it is to be eaten, and then once trained, he may just do it himself. Good luck.


Ok, so how will you know if he gets the hang of it? And where do you keep the shrimp until you are done spot feeding him? I would think it would be pretty hard to catch a 3/4" clear chrimp in a 100gal tank with LR and livestock.


ghost shrimp can live in a salt water tank for quite a while, I actually had one live in my 29 BC for 5 months! If you want to keep them in a separate tank, I would just setup a small 10 gallon with a sponge filter to keep them in. I did that to feed my baby angler for a while. More than likely, your lionfish will just immediately eat them. I work for a at home tank cleaning store, and I have never met a lion that didn't love ghost shrimp. I usually just float them for 5 minutes, let them go, and watch the hunt.