soaking food in garlic


I know this should be in the diseases and treatment section but people answer a LOT faster in this section. My fish have ich right now, not terrible, and I don't have a QT so I'm going to see if just feeding them frozen food soaked in freshly minced garlic will help kick the ich. So do I just mince the garlic, mush the frozen stuff and mix it together? Or should I let it soak in the fridge for a certain amount of time, and if so how long would you say? Any suggestions, I'd like to start feeding this stuff to them right away.


Active Member
I'd let it soak for 12-24 hours. That's how I've been preparing food for the past few years, and have never had an ich problem since using this method.

bill f

Ivy are you talking about using fresh garlic that you cook with?
I don't think you can. They make a liquid extract for aquariums, I use seachem and I know Kent's makes one.


OK thanks. I just roasted a clove of garlic and mushed some marine cuisine with it just as something to feed them now. They LOVED it. The leftovers from that are in the fridge and I will use it for tomorrow. I'm going to take the rest of the marine cuisine (3.5 oz) that is in the freezer along with a bag of frozen mysis shrimp (4 oz) and process them with garlic and feed them that concoction for now on. How much garlic should I use for this mixture? And also, when I have it all mixed, should I keep it in the fridge or freezer? Thanks :)


Yeah, I know Beth in the disease forum and a lot of other people say to use freshly minced garlic. Not the stuff you can buy at the grocery store and now the Kent or any other aquarium stuff. The real garlic works the best.