
I have many different types of hard nd soft corals. They are doing beautifully in my tank.The question is, how do I get these corals to grow at a faster rate? What additives do I use in order to make them grow at a faster rate? I see other pics from others and how fast their corals grow and want to know what to do in order to achieve that. My lighting is fine. I have 4 65 watt compact bulbs , 2 daylight and 2 atinics. I also have 2 4o watt floresents, 1 daylight and 1 atinic. All on a 100gal.I have used the product called, Black Powder but I personally don't see too much of a change at all.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
thank you, Leo :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Depends, what works for me may not work for you. I only add 2 suppliments to my tank
1 Aragamight
2 Kent Marines Pro Buffer dKH
I feed normal foods and Coral Heaven. I also add DT's to my tank and my stuff seems to grow pretty quick. I think most of it is just water conditions and light. You need to understand what each coral feeds on, some are light, some need food directly. So far I have not lost a thing and my sinularia, xenia, anenomes, tubastrea and others are all growing fantastic. Just got my first SPS so we will see how that goes.


Active Member
Actually your lighting is weak to start with and that doesn't help.
What is the point of forcing coral to grow faster, when rapid growth occurs skeleton strength is weaker.
Keep high water quality and let nature take is course.


What can cause one coral to grow fast may cause another to slow down. You have to experement with light intensity, feeding, water current, water quality, the list can go on. With so many variables it could take quite a while to tell what is working and what is not.