Soft coral Question ??????????


Please let’s see some pictures of some tanks dedicated to soft corals.
I am in the process of changing my tank over from stone corals to soft corals. Mainly leathers and im looking for ideas.
Also I have a question on lighting
I am running an orbit system with 2- 96 watt actinics and 2- 96 watt 50/50's can I cut the amount of lighting back in my tank and how much. It seems to me the soft corals look better and oper wider under lower lighting?


Active Member
i had a 29 with softies, shrooms, and polyps. i had a twin tube normal output fixture with 1 50/50 and 1 actinic. everything did fine, but the normal output bulbs only last for 6 months. i dont think that you need to "cut back" on your lighting (pc's are fine). ill see if i can find some pics of the tank.