soft coral questions! please help. :-D


hello there.
i posted a thread before about the kenya tree frag i got. i was just wondering if anyone has some tips for me on it, also.. typically whats a decent price to pay for a frag of it.
new questions. i got a blue mushroom today, just one single mushroom that fell off a rock at the lfs.... wondering if itll spread all by itself or do it have to frag it up?
alsoooo... i have a tiny bit of xenia, its about a half inch tall its got i think..5 heads on ikt. it doesnt seem to be pulsing but its pink and it looks healthy.... is something wrong? is it dead? or is it just too small to pulse?


Active Member
Originally Posted by heartben
hello there.
i posted a thread before about the kenya tree frag i got. i was just wondering if anyone has some tips for me on it, also.. typically whats a decent price to pay for a frag of it.depends on the size, kenya tree are really common and propagate easily, I wouldnt pay over 30$ no matter how big it was, and if its under 4" way less.
new questions. i got a blue mushroom today, just one single mushroom that fell off a rock at the lfs.... wondering if itll spread all by itself or do it have to frag it up?it will spread on its own.
alsoooo... i have a tiny bit of xenia, its about a half inch tall its got i think..5 heads on ikt. it doesnt seem to be pulsing but its pink and it looks healthy.... is something wrong? is it dead? or is it just too small to pulse?
xenia are hit or miss. in one of my tanks my xenia pulses in the other it only pulses once in a while.
I answered in red.