Soft Corals/light


After having my tank set up for a little over 3 months I just upgraded my lights to two 50/50 two bulb HO T-5 Lighting systems. They are at 54W 10000K each. I have not yet purchased any type of corals, but have been reading up on them and I am wanting to purchase my first ones within a week or two. This lighting should be efficient yes??? Also, would you recommend buying more than one type of coral at once or just do it one at a time? Any peoples opinions are appreciated! Thanks
I think I have that same light or something close to it. I have (4) 54Watt T-5's with individual reflectors, I was told that I could keep anything...and I would only assume more light demanding things go closer to the top on your LR. I have mushrooms, orange centered zoas, frogspawn, and some xenia.
If this is your 1st time with coral, start out with some zoas and shrooms as I've been told they are a little more forgiving. Welcome to the addiction!