Soft Corals Question ????????????


In the last several weeks I have started to weed out my stoney corals and replace them with soft corals. I realy like the leathers. I have one question. What are the best suppplemelts I can add to my tank to make my leathers realy flurish. Dont get me wrong every thing looks awsome in my tank but I am always looking for that little extra something that will realy make people say WOW!! when they see my tank.


Active Member
I say, plain ol' good tank husbandry, good flow and adequate lighting are the key keeping softies happy, thats about it. I've tried adding all sorts of supplements in the past but all it seemed to do was grow hair algae in the end. Now, i do regular water changes, top off with kalk and feed my fish every other day. Keep it simple, thats what works for me. :joy:


Thanks for the info. Im a water change freak. I change 5 to 10 gallons of water in my tank 3 to 4 time a week. I also turn my t big main power heads off at night to giive my soft sorals a chance to relax. I started doing this about 2 weeks ago and WOW!!! do they look awsome. I will try to post some pictures over the weekend.