Soft Cycle????


New Member
What is going on???. I 've had my aquarium for almost 4 weeks and not much is happening. I have two damsels that are trucking along with no problem (except that I'll probaly have a hard time getting rid of them), 50 pounds of live rock, shale/sand(no live) bed, 3 scarlet hermits, 5 blue legs, and several hitchhikers from my live rock. My cycle has been real weak. The ammonia never spiked (max .50 ppm) and the nitrites are still almost non-existent. Can this happen or is it just an illusion


If you nitrites are still registering, it has not completed it's cycle yet. Give it another week or 2.
I have a tank that I tried to cycle with silver sides, I started it January 2nd, and it has not completed it's cycle yet. This is very unusual, so I put some live rock in it 2 days ago, and it should finish shortly. The nitrates, and nitrites just would not go to 0.


Active Member
If you have a real good quality of Live rock, you should not have much spike at all... You might notice a little ine but not much.


I cycled my tank with three pieces of shrimp from the super market and it shot everything up to the sky my tank is doing great..i would definatly suggest the shrimp cycle give it a try and you will see everything spike up and start going down slowly


Would you recommend doing the shrimp thing even if you have Live rock and or Live Sand? How long did you leave the shrimp in the tank before removing it?