Sohal and Yellow-eyed Kole both died


New Member
I have a 125g tank with 30g refugium. I only have 4 fish in the tank, now. Last Saturday, I got up to feed my fish and add my usual weekly chems to the tank when I discovered that My sohal and yellow-eyed kole were both dead. The night before they were alive and very well. I looked them both over and there were no tell tale signs of any disease or signs of fighting, etc. I am perplexed because I'm so anal about my tank. I do have a 6 inch Sailfin tang in this tank and my suspicion is that he killed them. Any ideas?


I had the same thing happen to a 6 inch Naso. He was fine along with a 6 inch Sohal, I tried adding a foxface to the tank but it died in about a week, then a day after the naso died. Neither showed signs of ick or velvet. Very FRUSTRATING.