I have my Sohal Tang in QT for over 4 weeks now and I'm still uncertain whether I should put him in my main tank. I did the hyposalinity for 3 weeks at 1.009 and I now have the salinity back up to 1.019. The tang looks great and he's eating well. However, I still notice him breathing a little heavier than normal and I see him scraping his body against the glass every now and then. I have never seen any spots on him and other than the occasional scraping and heavy breathing, he seems to be in great shape and very active.
FYI - the QT is 25 gallons and there is one permanent resident - a small percula clown; I do have a refractometer and I have used the hypo technique successfully on my other livestock. Do I start the hypo again?? Please advise...
FYI - the QT is 25 gallons and there is one permanent resident - a small percula clown; I do have a refractometer and I have used the hypo technique successfully on my other livestock. Do I start the hypo again?? Please advise...