Sohal Tang


New Member
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes the Sohal Tang to get the blue border around him? I have heard it could take up to 4 years for the Sohal Tang to fully develop and receive all of its colours, is this true?
I was also wondering how you can tell a young Sohal Tang compared to a adult Sohal Tang?


This is my Sohal at 10" and he has the blue all around. He's just now starting to get yellow on his tail. You can see the yellow starting to appear around the edges.


New Member
He isreally nice, great colours and size. How long have you had him for? May I ask what do you usually feed him and how often, does he eat pellets?
Did he have the blue border around him when you got him or did it develop over time? I have just had my Sohal Tang for a couple days, he seems really young and hasn't developed the blue border or yellow tail yet.
Originally Posted by RCreations
This is my Sohal at 10" and he has the blue all around. He's just now starting to get yellow on his tail. You can see the yellow starting to appear around the edges.


I haven't had him for too long, about 3 months. He eats everything... NLS pellets, formula 1 frozen, emerald diet, angelfish diet, rod's food, even raw shrimp and clams that I feed to my triggers. I also feed him a sheet of nori every day.
What other fish do you have with it?


New Member
I got the following fish with him, its a FOWLR tank which is only about 4 months old. He is the king of the tank as he is the largest and he seems really happy in there and swims constantly. It looks like he gets along really well with the Yellow Tang as the Yellow Tang swims with him and also sleeps with him between the LR at night.
Yellow Tang
Percula Clowns x 2
Yelowtail Damsel
How long does it usually take the Sohal Tang to fully mature and get all of its colour including the blue border...? My one is currently about 3.5 inch in length.