sohol tang in comunity of tangs?


the sohol is my favorite tang and I wondered if I can add one to my community. I have a purple, yellow, blue, and scopas tang. I heard they were agressive so thats why I ask. let me know


how big is your tank? sohals need a lot of rooom to swim. they are also very aggresive. they are one of the more aggresive tangs you can put in your aquarium. i agree with you though, VERY beautiful fish!!


Active Member
The sohal is the last tang I added to my 125g. Also have a yellow, hippo and emperor angel. As the sohal has gotten bigger( now the largest at about 8 inches) he's gotten more aggressive. Besides a bit of a tangle every once in a while with the hippo, all seems to be well. How big/long is your tank? My tangs have been together for over 2 years.


Active Member
Better make sure the other guys don't see him coming or they will harass him - leave the lights off for two days and they will foget the number of olks that belong in the tank and you shoudl be fine.

aquarius 1

My uncle has a 150 gallon tank with a sohal, a yellow tang, 2 hippos, a sailfin tang, and a powder blue. He also has an emperor angel, a clown trigger, and a singapore angel. All these fish coexist wiht no problems and the sohal was the first fish in the tank! Right now he's a little more than a foot long! So yes it can be done.