sohol tang


New Member
my sohol tang is very sick! he is laying at the bottom of the tank and it is difficult for him to breathe. his body is discolored as if something has been picking at his sides and chipping away his color. It doesn't sound like any of the saltwater diseases that are listed and you all know how much this fish cost so please HELP!!!!


New Member
Test and post your chem figures. Make sure your temp is between 74 - 78. How long has this been going on, anything new been introduced to the tank?


Staff member
Please give more details regarding the physical condition of the fish and the duration of this problem. What exactly are you seeing on this fish and how long has this being going on?
Is the fish being harrassed by another fish, etc?


New Member
My sohol tang may be having the same problem. Unfortunately this has alraedy claimed the life of my asfur angel. Talking to my lfs and him calling everyobe he knows, we seem to have come up with a hypothisis. Has anyone heard of a disease called "brooknella", its a fungus. Apparently it's more common with clowns. We tried every kind of treatment, but none see to have any affect.Apparentlythe only treatment for this is a "fermallen?" dip. Has anyone heard of this disease, or have any idea of possible treatment? Hopefully what is happening to your fish is not the same as what is happening to mine? I hate seeing any creature suffer, or worst, lose their life> :( :eek: