solution to keeoing a mandrin dragonet in a newer tank?


New Member
could i buy live copods and add them to my tank? or get the zoo2? here are the thinks to looks at to tell me if its possible http://www.*** Please do not post links to other stores -Sep. would this work? or is there anything else i can buy to feed them?


Welcome to the boards!! You can buy copepods for them to eat. Realize that a 200 ct. package is only going to last for a few days though. You can try to get him to eat some frozen, but not all of them will.


this site is run by the sons of you can't show links to other sites....heaven forbid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you want to add one of those gobys, you need to add live pods, which you can buy online, if you stop the flow of your tank during feeding and turkey baste frozen mysis shrimp, you may be able to train the goby to eat it......i have done it with a scooter dragonet

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by pete159
this site is run by the sons of you can't show links to other sites....heaven forbid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you want to add one of those gobys, you need to add live pods, which you can buy online, if you stop the flow of your tank during feeding and turkey baste frozen mysis shrimp, you may be able to train the goby to eat it......i have done it with a scooter dragonet
you're always welcome to leave. This site is run by a business. Some people forget that. Would you like it if your kid set up a Lemonade stand and then I came along and put one right next to his and started to steal his business? You would be pretty upset so would your kid huh? Stop crying. Grow up and respect the rules.
Get your tank established. Then build a fuge. This will allow you to grow pods on your own. This will feed your little guy the food he needs


If you do not have the mandarin yet then please do not buy one for quite some time. I was under the assumption that you already had one.
Scooter blennies are NOT the same as mandarin dragonets. Scooters thrive on pods but can live on frozen. Mandarins will accept some frozen but will decline in health if they do not have pods. There is a big difference there. Mandarins must have live pods to eat.
As for the links, it is in the agreement that you acknowledge when you sign up here.