some additions to my tank?


I have a 75 gallon and currently have a small hippo tang and a small humu humu trigger. i realize they will outgrow it but there young and it should be a while. anyway i would like to add some hermits crabs to keep the sand clean and maybe some other stuff to make it look good. possibly a shrimp or a clam or something. im going to add a porc puffer this week also. Can you guys tell me how many crabs i should get and what kinda shrimp or clams (if any ) will go with these fish.


Active Member
crab wise i have the scarlet red ones they seem to do pretty good and i have a fire shrimp in my tank and he does a great job


Active Member
My valietin puffer picks at my snail,hermit crabs. he leaves my shrimp and emerald crab alone. I belive that they are the mellowest of the puffers.


Originally Posted by hot883
inverts and puffers don't get along. Ha! (snack time)
I agreeee.


so i shouldnt get the puffer with the inverts? and which shrimp should i go with. instead of the puffer could i have a niger trigger? or just one trigger per tank?