Some Anemone questions


Can you have more than one anemone in your tank? Like say with a Haitian anemone? And has anyone ever had their clown host to a Haitian? Trying to learn what will be best. Also I'm a bit confused about this breed. I have seen some pictures of this breed that have long skinny arms that are all white and some that have shorter thicker arms that have purple tips on the end. At the LFS. They said both were Haitian anemones but they look so different and if they are which one is best? I like the one with the purple tips for sure!!!!! LOL Will a false clown fish host to this type of anemone? I have to say while looking at the anemone it almost looks like a sebae. SP? sorry.
Thanks for the info
And the pretty all pink and pretty all yellow are bad right? They are dyed????? And why in the heck if it's bad do people still dye the poor little guys? Just making sure my info is correct.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kittenboo
Can you have more than one anemone in your tank? Like say with a Haitian anemone? And has anyone ever had their clown host to a Haitian? Trying to learn what will be best. Also I'm a bit confused about this breed. I have seen some pictures of this breed that have long skinny arms that are all white and some that have shorter thicker arms that have purple tips on the end. At the LFS. They said both were Haitian anemones but they look so different and if they are which one is best? I like the one with the purple tips for sure!!!!! LOL Will a false clown fish host to this type of anemone? I have to say while looking at the anemone it almost looks like a sebae. SP? sorry.
Thanks for the info
And the pretty all pink and pretty all yellow are bad right? They are dyed????? And why in the heck if it's bad do people still dye the poor little guys? Just making sure my info is correct.

How long has your tank been set up? IMO you want the same type of anemone in ur tank. If you have 2 or more clowns they will host the same anemone.


Yes it is possible to have more than one anemone in a tank, however it is not something I would recommend if you plan to have several different spieces. The Bubble tips usually get along alright. I've had as many as nearly 40 in my 90 gallon before.
What I would concentrate on is that amount of lighting you have, even for a simple Condylactis anemone like you are thinking about. As a photo synthetic animal you simply must have proper lighting.
It is possible that a clown will take to this anemone, but I'd do some more reseach on it. Search Condylactis on this forum.


I have 500w of MH so that should be enough. And everything I could find on the cody says that there is no known clown that will host with it.
I really love the look of them. SO off to read some older threads. LOL