Well, I used to be rich.. But now I am poor because I spent all of my money on my tank.... lol
Thanks for the comments / suggestions. My next tank will be designed from the bottom up with an emphasis on keeping all of the equipment out of the line of sight...
As far as how long it has been set up, it is just under it's 1 year aniversary. It has really come a long way.. trust me...
As far as supplements go... I really only supplement my calcium, and alk... As far as adding all of those other 10,000 supplements out on the market, I have found many to be a waste of money, and do nothing but add to your problems, rather than correcting them. The best way I have found to keep things in check and healthy, is to be religous about water changes. I change out 16 gallons every 2 weeks. I should do 8 every week, but my schedule does not always allow for that.
And as far as how the beer was, it was rather tasty!!! I am heading out the door for another 30 pack... They don't last long around here on the weekends!!!:happy: