Some eye candy


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Greg you've done it again!! I LOVE THE IDOL! What is it eating??

He eats anything I give him, I'm going to try and get a straight on shot to show how big his belly is. He loves nori, frozen mysis, brine, krill.


Thanks! I'll get the new pics up...
Here's the list for now
2 True Percula Clownfish (Mated Pair)
2 Squampinnis (Lyretail) Anthias (Pair)
2 Dispar Antias
1 Engineer Goby
1 Blonde Naso Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Harlequin Tusk
1 Blue Throat Trigger
3 Chromis
1 Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse
1 Cleaner Wrasse
1 Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse
1 Exquisite Wrasse
1 Golden Pygmy Angel
1 Moorish Idol


Active Member
Absolutely incredible Greg. Who are you? Bill Gates? Sheesh...all I see when I look at your tank is money. AND A GAWGEOUS TANK!


Active Member
Greg, you got any pics from when your tank was first starting out? That way maybe I will see that there is hope that MAYBE someday my tank can look as nice as yours.


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Absolutely incredible Greg. Who are you? Bill Gates? Sheesh...all I see when I look at your tank is money. AND A GAWGEOUS TANK!
Bill's my uncle.....J/K There's a lot of way to save money in this hobby. I trade a lot and have a lot of friends in the hobby. I get quite a few frags for free and I even traded some frags this week for 3 brand new HQI bulbs that I just put in. that zoo rock you see I made for one poly of different colonies that I had and let it grow in so it was really free.
Originally Posted by Space_Geek

Greg, you got any pics from when your tank was first starting out? That way maybe I will see that there is hope that MAYBE someday my tank can look as nice as yours.
I wish, my house was robbed a few months ago and one thing that was taken was my computer with all of my pictures...


Originally Posted by GregM779
Thanks! I'll get the new pics up...
Here's the list for now
2 True Percula Clownfish (Mated Pair)
2 Squampinnis (Lyretail) Anthias (Pair)
2 Dispar Antias
1 Engineer Goby
1 Blonde Naso Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Harlequin Tusk
1 Blue Throat Trigger
3 Chromis
1 Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse
1 Cleaner Wrasse
1 Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse
1 Exquisite Wrasse
1 Golden Pygmy Angel
1 Moorish Idol
Wow, 20 fish!!! The tank looks great. You must have some excellent filtration.


Thanks guys, the trigger is great he hasn't caused any problems at all. Here are some pics of the tank a couple of months ago, I'll take some new ones soon.
