Some filter questions



40g saltwater 6months
Aqua Clear Filter, no skimmer
1. Is having a protein skimmer more essential than having a HOB filter?
2. If I have a good protein skimmer, do I need another filter?
3. Which skimmers are most recommended? Which is better, Coralife or Remora?
4. I've been told that the BIO MAX part of an Aqua Clear filter is not needed for saltwater. True?

5. Do you take out everything (including all LR) when cleaning substrate?


Active Member
1. Protein skimmer is essential.
2. You may at times want to run carbon and other media so having some pace to put it is good.
3. Have not used Coralife or Remora skimmers.
4. BIO MAX part is not very effective.
5. I use the shallow sand bed method and clean what I can without moving the rock. I do a complete brake down once every 3 years.


Active Member
definetly skimmer amazing how much stuff if takes out of the water.
i run carbon 24/7 it keeps the water crystal clear
i like the octo skimmers
i also have only 2 inches of sand for substrate but seeing it only 2 inches i dont bother to clean it.if you go 4 inches you will need to clean it every 2-3 years.


Active Member
Hang on back Filters are not needed unless it is a HOB Refugium. you would be surprised how low your nitrates can be with a refugium with a deep sand bed.