Some fish for SALE in Chicago area


Hello all,
I want to make changes to my fish tank, and I decided to sell some of my current fish, so I could buy what I want. Here is the list:
around 3" Percula Clwnfish - $20.00
around 4" Niger Trigger - $30.00
around 3" Four Line Wrasse - $50.00
around 5" Annularis Angel - $120.00
*I am looking for a green wrasse.
It's a local pick up only(Chicago area). Please email me if you are intrested:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Member007
Always open to nagotiate. I decided to keep a clown...

Figures , the one fish I was gonna buy .


The Angel is on hold at the moment, but I'll get back to you if the sale doesn't go through. However I won't go as low. I paid $135 for it, and he was 1" smaller back then. Thank You!


Originally Posted by Dawman
Figures , the one fish I was gonna buy .

I changed things around and the clown is still for sale. It is a really nice one too. The only reason why I am selling it is because I want to keep a pair of a pink skun clownfish. Let me know if you are still intrested. If I don't hear from you by tomorrow morning I will sell it to my LFS.
*4-line wrasse, and Niger Trigger have been sold already. I am keeping the Angel.