Some good eel news...and a quick question.

I posted a few days ago about a missing eel that I later found crispy on the floor. :( But I got another after I "eel proofed" my tank. At first, I thought I had lost this one too. But he revieled himself a few days later. since then, he hides 50% of the time and the other 50% he spends half way under a rock poking his head out. I've fed him a few times, hes eating really good. I'll feed him and then he comes back out as if he's mooching for more. Right now Im feeding him chopped up bits of krill soaked in marine zoe. I've heard its good to feed then a variety. Squid has been suggested to me. I don't think my LFS has it, anywhere I can get it/what kind to get? He is REALLY small...I have to chop up the krill just so he can eat it. I'd say about 3 1/2 iches long. About how long does it take for these guys to grow? Its a snowflake by the way. Also, what are some good methods of "eel proofing" your tank? Right now, i've got the hol for the heater covered up with duct tape and plastic wrap. That seems like it may work. but where the filter is I have most of it covered up with the same, except for a small part where the water flows in. This may or may not hold since the water gets on it and all...any other ideas? oh often should I feed it? Right now i've been going about every other day and he seems to be this too much?
He'll let you know when he's hungry; I used to feed mine a couple to a few times a week. If he gets really hungry, he'll start to prowl around.
They grow pretty quickly; at 3 inches, if healthy, he'll double in size in six months or so and be a foot long in a year. Enjoy him while he's small and you can still hand feed him without worrying about having your fingers sliced.
Good luck.