i want to do the best for my tank that i can but i still am having a few problems so any help would be appreciated!! I have a 27 gallon reef that I am trying to build. I use real sea water i have a protien skimmer and I use compact fl. for my lighting 32watts. My filter system is a canister more than sized for this tank. I have a small colony of mushrooms going. and they seem to be ok but anything else i put in just cant seem to survive. my alge is under control and as for fish i have a small yellow tang 3" and a baby lionfish. I have live rock but not much just a few pieces. I am wondering should i add more rock and build a multy level setup and maybe add some live sand. My thinking is that maybe i should raise the corals higher to the light. i want to add either star polyps button polyps, or plate coral but i dont want them to suffer. please i need some help.